Course Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to
- organize classroom context from its physical, social, psychological and cognitive perspectives.
- describe the conditions for effective classroom environments.
- explain various classroom management models and approaches.
- select classroom management models that align with various classroom contexts.
- prepare a classroom management plan to establish and healthy learning environment for managing time effectively
- prepare a classroom management plan to establish and healthy learning environment for effective seatwork, group-work, recitations and discussions
- prepare a classroom management plan to establish and healthy learning environment through preventive approaches.
- use effective strategies to address misbehaviors.
- assess the effectiveness of the strategies used in addressing misbehaviors.
- develop strategies for building teacher-parent cooperation.
- demonstrate willingness in establishing cooperation with parents.
- discuss the pros and cons of various classroom management strategies in dealing with different classroom management issues.
- demonstrate interest in ethical conduct in the classroom.
- respect diverse needs of students in the learning environment.