Course Learning Outcomes
- Vector/tensor manipulations, index notation, Reynold’s transport theorem, continuity equation
- Properties of stress tensor, Cauchy stress equation, mechanical and thermal energy balances, constitutive equations
- Navier-Stokes equations, steady and unsteady unidirectional flows, scaling terms in the Navier-Stokes equations
- Creeping flows, linearity of Stokes equations, streamfunctions, general solutions via eigenfunction expansions
- Regular and singular perturbations for pulsatile flow, lubrication theory, Reynold’s equation, slider block and cylinder problems
- Shear flow with viscous dissipation, concept of viscoelasticity and Deborah number. Shear-rate dependent viscosity in steady shear flow
- Invariant properties of tensors. Generalized Newtonian fluid models. Measurement of steady shear viscosity: Couette and cone-and-plate rheometers. Analytical solutions for generalized Newtonian fluids in simple shear flows
- Definition of normal stress differences in steady shear flows. Analysis of observable effects of normal stresses. Measurement of normal stress differences with cone-and-plate rheometers
- Linear viscoelastic properties: The complex modulus and complex viscosity. Linear viscoelastic constitutive equations: The Maxwell, Jeffreys and Kelvin models in differential and integral form
- Linear viscoelasticity with multiple relaxation times. Empiricisms for relating the linear viscoleastic properties to steady shear viscosity and normal stress differences: The Cox-Merz rule and Laun’s rule
- Limitations of linear viscoelastic models. Commonly observed “funy flow phenomena” in viscoelastic liquids. The need for nonlinear constitutive equations