Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Identify and state main reasons for the use of computers in education
- Demonstrate understanding of Technology Planning and Technology Integration
- Explain the role computers play in an information system and how communication of data across networks is achieved
- Describe and discuss the different components of the internet and identify related issues
- Use different search engines and search techniques to search for usable and appropriate information from the Internet
- Access and use a variety of electronic reference software or databases
- Tell about the ethical issues relating to use of information in education
- Use a range of multimedia devices and current desktop-publishing software for design and production of desktop publications including text and graphic manipulation to enhance document production.
- Design and develop multimedia presentations using a range of hardware and software devices and peripherals
- Define concepts in data input, processing and output to make informed decisions on information found in all areas of life
- Define data, information knowledge and wisdom and the relationship between them
- Explain the systems support people to exchange and share data and information.
- Explain the importance of ownership and control of data
- Explain why it is important to back up data regularly and list some guidelines for safeguarding important data at the individual and organizational level
- Demonstrate knowledge of procedures for protecting and keeping data securely on a computer or network
- Identify, hardware threats (vandalism and hardware failure), software threats (viruses, worms and Trojan horses), spyware (malware) and data corruption and use various methods of controlling and removing these threats.
- Explain the importance of data security or data protection and data management
- Use tables and charts to organize data and information in various groupings under different headings to show how each item of data contributes to complete a picture
- Access and store data on a local area network to make changes to information in a database
- Collect suitable data and identify raw data for processing
- Define, use, design, create and evaluate databases
- Appreciate that computer database systems have a capacity to store, retrieve and manipulate data better than non-computer systems
- Design a simple database application using a DBMS.
- Modify existing databases and design new databases for specific purposes
- Design a relational database, create user interfaces for adding, editing, and deleting data into the database.
- Discuss ethical considerations about the use of databases in educational settings.
- Discuss new trends in the organization, processing, storage and retrieval of data, such as data warehousing and data-mining
- Appreciate and discuss the impact of the developments in information and communication technologies on communities worldwide
- Develop a sense of “doing to learn” through “learning to think” and "loving to learn".