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Course Objectives

Webpage of the course contains the info given here. 

This course is to provide  the background for students who are willing to learn more about rings and modules which are  the fundamental mathematical structures occuring everywhere !  It is good for everyone J but especially for students who are planning to study  any  algebra related topics such as algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, even analysis, or even  machine learning

This semester I will spend less than half of the semester on rings and spend more time on modules.  Rings will be  a more detailed but much faster version of some of the topics  you have seen in Math 367, and  Math 116.   Modules will be new to you. They are generalizations of  vector spaces also generalization of abelian groups.  (Modules over group algebras are examples of groups acting on vector spaces.)

Thus in  module theory  linear algebra comes up  quite often.  You should be comfortable using linear algebra to get more out of this course. We will see the primary decomposition theorem for  finitely generated modules over a Euclidean domain.

You can print a tentative syllabus from here.