Ability to describe the continuum concept, define and determine the fluid properties, express the differences between the solid and the fluid behavior under the action of forces.
Ability to solve fluid static problems with the emphasis on the free body diagrams.
Ability to describe the fluid motion.
Ability to formulate the fluid flow problems. (Integral and differential formulation)
Ability to solve problems related to acceleration of a fluid particle, flow rates and average velocity.
Ability to classify the fluid flow, and visualize the fluid flow by knowing the definition of pathlines, streamlines and streaklines.
Ability to describe the fluid flow problems by control volume and system approaches and solve problems related to conservation of mass in integral form for a continuum.
Ability to solve the problems related to conservation of linear and angular momentum in integral form for a continuum.
Ability to solve the problems related to first and second laws of thermodynamics.
Ability to solve the Bernoulli equation and extended Bernoulli equation.
Ability to apply the Bernoulli equation to flow measurements.
Ability to express the motion of a differential fluid element.
Ability to solve the problems related to conservation of mass in differential form.
Ability to solve the problems related to conservation of momentum differential form for inviscid and viscous fluids.
Ability to solve problems by using laws of similitude.
Ability to use the dimensional analysis in physical problems and express the relations by means of non dimensional dynamic similarity parameters.
Ability to analyze the development of flow in closed conduits.
Ability to solve problems related to head losses in closed conduits.
Ability to analyze and solve problems related to viscous flow in pipes.