to describe research types according the purpose and method
to explain how to find a research problem
to give research problem examples
to explain the basic characteristics of a research problem
to discuss the importance of review of related research
to give hypotheses examples related to the research problem
to explain the components of research problem
to express the difference between sample and population
to give examples related to sampling selecion methods (eg. random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling)
to determine sample size
to illustrate the ways to avoid the sampling bias
to define the purpose of different types of measuring instruments in educational studies
to describe validity of a test
to explain content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity, and predictive validity
to describe reliability of a test
to explain test-retest reliability, equivalent-foms reliability, split-half reliability
to explain how to define a historical research problem
to express how to collect , analysiz , and synthesiz data for historical research
to describe types of self report research
to explain how to conduct a questionnaire study
to explain how to conduct an interview study
to define a correlational research
to give research problem examples related to correlational research
to describe data analysis for correlational research
to describe types of correlational research ( relationship study, prediction study)
to define in which cases, the causal comparative method is used
to explain how to conduct a causal comparative study
to describe control procedures for controlling all sources of weakness in a causal-comparative design
to give research problem examples related to causal-comparative research
to define the purpose of experimental research
to give threats examples related to internal validity and external validity for an experimental research study
to describe control procedures for controlling all sources of weakness in experimental research designs
to explain the pre-experimental designs
to give examples related to pre-experimental designs
to explain the true experimental designs
to give examples related to true experimental designs
to explain the quasi-experimental designs
to give examples related to quasi-experimental designs