Phil 602(3-0)3
Specıal Topics in Epistemology II
Teacher Responsible: S. Bagce, Room B-Z44, Secretary 116B.
Course Intended for: Post-graduate students in Philosophy and other departments.
Course Syllabus: This course is intended to provide a good understanding of the relationship between metaphysics and scientific activity. We shall take our cue from the rejection of metaphysics by some members of the VC, and explore into the following questions: whether or not metaphysics is indispensable for scientific activity and if so, what kind of metaphysics would be permissible while still holding certain sensibilities of the VC.
Course Content: This course is to examine the question of relationship between metaphysics and scientific activity.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Written Work, Oral Presentation and Examination: TBA.
Reading List: