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Program Outcomes Matrix

Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3
1 Specialize with advanced knowledge in selected areas of Industrial Engineering; such as Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics and Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Operational Research, Quality Management, Human Factors and Ergonomics, and Strategy and Industrial Economics. X
2 Have advanced ability to formulate and solve industrial engineering problems. X
3 Be able to systematically acquire new scientific knowledge to design and improve socio-technical systems. X
4 Be able to conduct scientific research in industrial engineering. X
5 Be able to apply critical reasoning in their professional careers. X
6 Appreciate the academics ethics. X

Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
0 1 2 3
1 Be able to produce new scientific knowledge to design and improve socio-technical systems.
2 Be able to conduct advanced scientific research and disseminate findings in industrial engineering.
3 Be able to apply critical reasoning in conducting scientific research.
4 Appreciate the academic ethics.
5 Effectively communicate the outputs of research with the academic community and public worldwide.