<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=noscript.html"> METU | Course Syllabus

Course Objectives

This course will help the students to be able to have a vision  about  "what is sociology?" and " what are the origins of this disipline?". All students are expected to obtain  basic  understanding  about 

- " what are the major perspectives in the classical period?", 

-" what are contemporary perpspectives and theories?" ,

- "what is major principles of methods and research in Sociolology? 

-   Explanations about the concept  "Culture and Socialization"

-  Social Inequalities

- Gender 

-Family and Households. 

Also students are expected to gain insignt about how to question "common sense" and to differentiate it from "sociological knowledge". 

- acquiring some skills about how to write short essays to predetermined questions.