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Course Learning Outcomes

1. Students will have an understanding of national and international environmental problems, EIA as an environmental management tool, historical development of EIA, and the use of EIA in the world.

2. Students will get knowledge of the principles and types of EIA (project level, cumulative, strategic environmental assessments), national and international policies, legislation and institutions, EIA process in Turkey, EIA process according to EU Directives, and EIA requirements of international funding organizations (World Bank,IFC, EBRD, Equator Principles).

3. Students will develop an understanding of the project cycle and the place of EIA in this cycle, screening, scoping, public consultation, environmental baseline studies, impact assessment, mitigation and impact management, analysis of alternatives, environmental monitoring, content and preparation of the EIA report, and the review process.

4. Students will get an insight of the scope of studies carried out, the team of experts involved, methods used, content of the reports, and the review process for selected EIA studies conducted for various projects.

5. Students develop skills to work as part of a group, plan and coordinate studies, carry out research and reach to information via various sources, and prepare formal reports.

6. Students will develop their abilities on presenting their work in front of an audience, and discussing and defending their reports.

7. Students get experience in reviewing of reports and presentations, and systematic evaluation of the performance of others.