Students are expected to achieve the following outcomes by taking this course:
Course Objective 1: Students will be able to comprehend BJT and MOSFET amplifiers
1.1 Understand how the transistors can be used to make a single-stage, linear amplifier
1.2 Analyze and design amplifier circuits that contain BJTs and MOSFETs
1.3 Analyze and design single-stage and multi-stage amplifiers with different properties (input resistance, output resistance, and gain)
1.4 Understand the advantages and disadvantages of single-stage and multi-stage amplifiers
Course Objective 2: Students will be able to comprehend the frequency response of BJT and MOSFET amplifiers
2.1 Understand the effects of coupling and bypass capacitors on the gain of amplifier circuits.
2.2 Analyze the amplifier circuit to obtain an estimate of the lower-3 dB frequency
2.3 Understand the effects of internal capacitive effects on the frequency response
2.4 Analyze the amplifier circuit to obtain an estimate of the upper-3 dB frequency
2.5 Design an amplifier circuit to satisfy the requirements on the frequency response
Course Objective 3: Students will be able to comprehend the BJT and MOSFET Differential Amplifier circuits
3.1 Understand the operation of the MOSFET and the BJT differential amplifier circuits
3.2 Analyze and design MOSFET and BJT differential amplifier circuits
3.3 Understand the operation of differential amplifier circuits with varying complexity: employing resistive loads, current source loads, and current mirror load.
3.4 Understand the nonideal characteristics of the differential amplifier.
Course Objective 4: Students will be able to comprehend the use of negative feedback in the amplifier circuits
4.1 Understand the general structure of the negative feedback amplifier and its operation principles.
4.2 Understand the advantages (and cost of) negative feedback in amplifiers.
4.3 Understand the properties of different feedback topologies employed in the four amplifier types (voltage, current, transconductance, and transresistance amplifiers).
4.4 Analyze and design feedback amplifiers of different feedback topologies.
4.5 Understand the conditions for an unstable amplifier and learn methods to ensure stable performance.