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Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

Course Specific Skills:

1. Understand how organizations use information systems to achieve strategic objectives

2. Relate decision making structures to types of information systems

3. Relate functional area business processes to information system levels

4. Distinguish the features of the different types of enterprise applications

5. Evaluate the spectrum of approaches for information systems development

6. Understand the link between the organization’s strategy and information systems

7. Determine the priorities in selecting system projects that support the organization’s strategy

8. Be aware of new opportunities offered by network strategies

9. Recognize the importance of information systems planning

10. Identify the determinants of system success and failure

11. Manage system project risks

12. Realize that all systems are vulnerable and open to abuse

13. Create controls to take steps against system vulnerability and abuse

14. Understand the ethical and social impacts of information systems

Discipline Specific Skills:

15. Understand how information systems integrate the functional areas within the organization

16. Realize that all systems lead to organizational change in different degrees

17. Recognize the role of managers in selecting systems that are critical for the organization

18. Evaluate the impact of information systems for achieving competitive advantage

19. Generate business value from information systems investments Personal and Key Skills:

20. Develop analytical skills for evaluating information systems and projects

21. Link the concepts covered in the course to real world applications

22. Formulate action plans to derive value from information

23. Undertake the ethical use of information systems