This course will contribute the students’ literacy on the surface science. At the end of this course the students will be able to
- read, understand and interpret the existing literature on fundamentals of catalysis
- understand surface crystal structure and its relation to bulk crystal structure
- understand how surface reactions are related to the geometric and electronic structures of surfaces
- become acquainted with advanced direct surface characterization techniques such as microscopy and imaging, XPS, UPS, X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, LEED, Raman Spectroscopy, Powder X-ray and Diffraction
- get acquainted with advanced indirect surface characterization techniques that involve adsorption and/or reaction of a gas phase species such as TPD, TPR, FTIR and Adsorption Calorimetry.
- gain a basic understanding of surface thermodynamics and how it is related to the final properties of the catalyst surface.
- relate all the information acquired in the first ¾ of the course to the catalysis on the surfaces