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Course Objectives


With a particular emphasis on academic research and speaking, English for Academic Purposes II recycles and builds on the skills of academic writing, critical analysis, and organization introduced in the pre-requisite course English for Academic Purposes I. Using learner-centered practices, the course introduces the key concepts of reliable academic research and information literacy, exposes students to authentic and/or academic materials in written, oral and visual formats, and thereby has the ultimate aim of helping learners become more autonomous and resourceful in their academic studies. Typical classwork of ENG 102 involves close reading of the source texts and videos, followed by class discussions, which require higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation of, and reaction to the materials. The productive skills required in the course involve writing essays using the given source materials and speaking in seminars and presentations by formulating intellectually mature and thorough ideas and arguments with the help of library resources and online databases. The use of outside sources also includes critical evaluation skills to find reliable sources. Compared to the ENG 101 course, in ENG 102, students will have more opportunities for speaking in the form of seminars and discussions that require higher-order thinking skills, which will not only prepare them for the sequel course, ENG 211 Academic Speaking Skills, but also for their later studies.

The overall aim of this course is to develop students in all four skills, namely reading, listening, writing, and speaking, for academic purposes and to enhance learner autonomy so that students can transfer these skills to their departmental undergraduate and postgraduate courses and professional lives.