The following skills are the learning outcomes of this course:
Students will practice reading a text:
- to comprehend it fully (identifying main/supporting ideas, identifying tone, purpose, and audience, text annotation, guessing meaning from context)
- critically by identifying inferred meanings, arguments, and attitudes, distinguishing between facts and opinions, and evaluating information to make critical judgments
- strategically when doing research to identify relevant sources and eliminate the irrelevant ones: predict content by looking at the title and subtitles, reading the abstract, introduction & conclusion, skimming and scanning the text
- to use it as support in speaking by evaluating and synthesizing information from multiple texts
Students will practice while listening and note-taking:
- for specific purposes
- to identify main ideas, supporting ideas/details, and implied ideas
- to recognize the relationship between a recording/video and a reading text
- to reflect on and react to ideas in a recording/video
- to evaluate ideas in a recording/video to use them as support in speaking
Students will practice speaking to:
- share concrete/ abstract information accurately and fluently, using appropriate structures, vocabulary, expressions, turn taking and compensating strategies, and non-verbal cues adapting to different types of spoken discourse
- convey specific meaning in talks and exchanges in a clear idea development
- develop appropriate oral production and interaction skills and/or strategies
- participate in (transactional and interactional) conversations
- participate in formal/ informal discussions
- prepare and deliver presentations on in/formal, familiar, concrete/abstract topics
- collaborate with others to do a task properly
- integrate speaking with listening, reading, writing to accomplish real-life (like) tasks