Objectives: By the end of this course, each of the students will be able to describe and discuss each of the following:
1. human behavior in terms of biological and chemical events originating in the human brain and nervous system.
2. research methodologies used in physiological psychological studies.
3. the mechanisms by which psycho-active drugs and medications work
4. the mechanisms which underpin the five basic senses of taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing.
5. human affective states in terms of biological and chemical events.
6. human memory and learning in terms of biological and chemical events.
7. how the human endocrine system interacts with the central nervous system to influence a wide array of behaviors.
8. sleep and biorhythm patterns in terms of biological and chemical events.
9. common neurological disorders (e.g. dementia, alzhimers disease), affective disorders
(dissociation), and developmental disorders (ADD/ADHD) in terms of physiological events.
10. the mechanisms of chemical and behavioral addiction.
11. the human stress response.