Student, who passed the course satisfactorily will be able to:
Formulate and use parametric and closed form representations of curves and surfaces in engineering/ mathematical problems
Identify, formulate and use gradient, divergence and curl operations in solving engineering/mathematical problems
Identify, formulate and solve engineering/mathematical problems involving line, surface, double, and triple integrals
Identify, formulate and use integral theorems in solving engineering / mathematical problems
Use basic matrix properties and operations for identifying solution characteristics of systems of linear algebraic equations
Solve systems of linear algebraic equations analytically
Identify similarity of matrices and use it towards diagonalization of matrices
Perform basic operations with complex numbers in both rectangular and polar forms
Identify some basic complex functions and to use their properties
Identify and formulate analyticity concept in mathematical/ engineering functions
Identify the appropriate mathematical tool to be used for the solution of a given problem and formulate accordingly
Follow a logical sequence of progression in solution, upon formulation of the problem
Identify the relevance of learnt mathematical tools to the solution of a given engineering problem
Use at least one computational tool in solving engineering/ mathematical problems that involve vector analysis, line/surface/volume integration, linear algebra and complex numbers
Report analysis, solution and results in a logical sequence within a standard engineering format