This course offers a philosophical (metaphysical, epistemological, axiological) and scientific examination of the possibility of an evolutionary-ecological environmental ethics (a Land and an Earth ethic) on the basis of Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic. Please take a close look at the detailed content of the book available on our library’s page to see its richness (diversity) of topics ranging from ancient philosophical (metaphysical, epistemological, axiological) arguments through their modern complements to contemporary novelties. The book is also very rich in examples of scientific theories and facts supporting ethical argumentation.
PRE-REQUISITIES: The course is open to all graduate students, however, it is really intended for the graduate students from philosophy, sociology, earth system science, biological sciences, environmental engineering, and some graduate programs in the faculties of architecture and education who have genuine interest in environmental ethics/philosophy and evolutionary biology-ecology and who have basic knowledge in ethics/philosophy. If you are not from one of those programs listed below, you must talk to me before you register for this course.