Upon successful completion of this course, the students are expected to
- define rate law of a chemical reaction, as well as conversion, selectivity and yield concepts
- derive and apply mole and energy balances to batch and flow reactors operating under isothermal, adiabatic and non-adiabatic conditions
- analyze rate data obtained in batch and flow reactors
- identify and classify ideal and non-ideal reactors, compare the performances of ideal reactors and choose the appropriate reactor types and orientations for a given application
- discuss the effects of temperature, pressure and feed composition on reactor performance, considering reversible, irreversible and multiple reactions
- propose and select the best operating conditions of reactors operating isothermally/adiabatically/non-adiabatically
- discuss the conditions for having multiple steady states in chemical reactors
- analyze multiple reaction systems and decide about the reactor types, orientation and operating conditions for optimum yield of the desired product
- design ideal reactors operating isothermally and adiabatically, by doing a team-work project
- Incorporate environmental concerns, safety and cost in the analysis/design of a reactor.