By the end of the course students will be able to
- use relevant reading strategies (i.e. skimming, scanning, previewing) according to different text and task types
- infer the underlying meaning of a given sentence or parts of an academic text
- identify key ideas, points of reference, types of figurative speech and writer’s technique in an academic text
- distinguish between facts and opinions in an academic text
- guess the meaning of unknown words in an academic text
- use different types of dictionaries (i.e. bilingual, monolingual, collocation and thesaurus)
- recognize the relationship between ideas in a text and between multiple texts
- break down complex structures into meaningful chunks
- understand syntactical relations among the parts of long complex structures
- initiate and maintain discussions
- express opinions clearly
- respond to questions
- listen for specific information
- use correct, appropriate language structures, vocabulary and discourse markers in written and oral production
- write unified and coherent academic paragraphs (expository and reaction) and essay (expository)
- carry out the stages in a process writing approach during writing paragraphs and/or essays