1. Ability to compute the stress in members carrying axial tensile or compressive loads.
2. Ability to compute strain and deformation in members carrying axial loads.
3. Ability to compute the torsional shear stress and deformation.
4. Ability to apply the principle of torsional shear stress to design shafts.
5. Ability to compute power transmitted by rotating shafts.
6. Ability to plot the shear force, bending moment diagrams.
7. Ability to compute the centroid and moment of inertia of areas having shapes commonly found in beams.
8. Ability to compute flexure and shearing stresses.
9. Ability to draw moment diagrams by parts method.
10. Ability to compute the equation of elastic curve and maximum deflection by using double integration, moment area and superposition methods.
11. Ability to determine normal stresses in beams under combined axial and flexure loads and position of neutral axis.
12. Ability to determine the normal stresses in beams subjected to eccentric loads.
13. Ability to determine normal stresses in beams subjected to unsymmetrical loading.
14. Ability to perform stress transformation.
15. Ability to construct and interpret Mohr’s circle of stresses.
16. Ability to apply the principles of strength of materials to design load carrying members of machines and structures.
17. Ability to obtain the relationship between forces by using statics and determine the relationship between deformations of the stressed members and solve simultaneously to obtain the unknowns. 18. Ability to make an indeterminate beam statically determinate by removing the redundant reactions and to combine the slopes and deflections in such way that their addition will correspond to known conditions of the indeterminate beam.
19. Ability to calculate unknown forces or other related unknowns through the use of equations of statics and thermal expansion equation.
20. Ability to calculate the stresses in thin walled pressure containers due to internal pressure.
21. Ability to calculate the stresses in thin walled pressure containers due to internal pressure and external axial and torsional loads.