1.1 Differentiate between various types of discrete-time (DT) systems and sequences.
1.2 Characterize and utilize eigenproperty of DT linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.
1.3 Compute convolution for DT LTI systems.
1.4 Determine the impulse response of a DT LTI system represented by an LCCDE.
2.1 Determine the discrete-time Fourier Transform (DTFT) of a sequence.
2.2 Represent a periodic sequence through discrete Fourier series (DFS).
2.3 Characterize the relation of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to DFS and DTFT.
2.4 Compare z-transform with DTFT and explain region of convergence.
2.5 Compute (linear) convolution by using DFT.
2.6 Compute DFT in a computationally efficient manner
3.1 Describe the mathematical model of sampling and reconstruction, indicating the frequency behavior and its limits.
3.2 Analyze a signal processing system that contains sampling and reconstruction stages.
3.3 Construct rate-conversion systems to reach a desired rate and frequency response.
3.4 Describe practical issues in sampling & reconstruction
4.1 Determine the frequency response (magnitude and phase) of DT systems from its poles and zeros.
4.2 Characterize the properties of minimum-phase, all-pass and linear phase systems.
5.1 Apply filter design techniques based on a set of constraints on frequency response
5.2 Construct different representations of the same DT system.