Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:
identify a mechanism and its functioning in mechanical engineering applications.
identify types of joints and types of links of a mechanism and determine its degree of freedom.
identify independent loops, assign variables and fixed parameters and write-down loop closure equations of a planar mechanism.
formulate position, velocity and acceleration analysis of a planar mechanism for a complete cycle.
compute the speed ratio of simple and planetary gear trains involving spur and bevel gears.
draw free body diagram of each link of a planar mechanism, and carry out a static force analysis to calculate driving forces and joint reaction forces.
identify inertia forces and moments and to formulate dynamic force analysis to calculate driving and reaction forces in a planar mechanism.
determine the inertial, stiffness and damping parameters of single degree of freedom models of simple mechanical systems.
determine damping ratio and natural frequency of a single degree of freedom system from the free vibration response or vibration model.
obtain amplitude and phase characteristics associated with forced response due to harmonic forcing or rotating unbalance.