Course Learning Outcomes
- Students will understand environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints and be able to incorporate these into process synthesis.
- Students will perform a capstone design and develop chemical unit and process design skills.
- Students will gain appreciation and respect for other engineering disciplines.
- Students will demonstrate an ability to solve engineering problems.
- Students will be able to solve material and energy balances for steady state systems including recycle, multiple units, chemical reactions.
- Students will be able to apply fundamentals of thermodynamics to solve phase equilibrium calculations.
- Students will be able to use commercial process simulation software for process development.
- Students will be able to use contemporary information sources (e.g. electronic and reference book library databases and other e-sources) to assist in problem solving.
- Students will be able to rationalize units, order of magnitude estimates, and interpret the results and their reasonableness by considering chemical engineering design heuristics.
- Students will incorporate applicable safety and environmental considerations as part of a capstone design project including green engineering strategies.
- Students will be able to give effective, well organized oral presentations of design material in engineering formats by using appropriate visual aids.
- Students will be able to write effective, well organized technical reports.
- Students will practice good teamwork principles.
- Students will be able to select and size isothermal reactors for multiple reactions.
- Students will understand practical considerations of reactor design including materials of construction, mixing, heat transfer, and economics.
- Students will be able to size and estimate the capital costs of heat exchangers, pumps, turbines, and valves for a specific application.
- Students will be able to design tray-type and/or packed separation columns.
- Students will understand the importance of heat integration and its impact on economy.