1.1 Describe, construct and revise the bus admittance matrix of a power system
1.2 Describe, construct and revise the bus impedance admittance matrix of a power system
2.1 Solve a linear system of equations by iterative and direct methods such as LDU factorization and describe and interpret the effects of sparsity
2.2 Solve a set of nonlinear algebraic equations (arising from load flow analysis) by iterative techniques
2.3 Solve differential equations (arising from stability analysis) by numerical integration techniques
3.1 Describe and formulate the load flow problem
3.2 Solve the load flow problem by numerical techniques (Gauss-Seidel, Newton Raphson, FDLF) and interpret the results
3.3 Identify and explain the impact of controlling parameters in a load flow problem
3.4 Use a professional power system analysis software
3.5 Analyze and redesign a power system based on technical and economic criteria, generate (propose) alternative solutions and justify their proposals
4.1 Employ sequence bus impedance matrices in the solution of unbalanced faults
4.2 Solve and analyze unbalanced faults through impedances
5.1 Describe and formulate the stability problem in a power system and explain the Swing equation
5.2 Describe the equal area criterion for stability determination
5.3 Apply numerical integration techniques and/or equal area criterion to determine the transient stability of one- or two-machine systems.