Course Objective 1: Students will understand fundamentals of real-time Digital Signal Processing.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Understand, evaluate and solve the problems associated with real-time processing on dedicated hardware platforms. Perform experiments using hardware and software tools. Design software programs for real-time critical applications.
Course Objective 2: Students will develop a knowledge of the applications of Digital Signal Processing on Embedded Platforms.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Implement Signal Processing systems on real-time hardware Design signal processing systems on CPU and FPGA platforms Evaluate performance of signal processing systems on real-time hardware
Course Objective 3: Students will examine the characteristics of practical signals and systems.
Student Learning Outcomes:
3.1 Implement and test the concepts of A/D, D/A, quantization, noise, filtering, FFT, IFFT, LMS filtering, Optimum filtering.
3.2 Apply digital signal processing theory to practical problems in different applications.
3.3 Gain an understanding of the resource utilization of embedded systems and problems faced in practical system implementations