Acquisition of knowledge on various structural systems used in historic buildings, as well as the techniques and materials employed in their construction and the correct terminology that is necessary for the conservation architects; improvement of skills and abilities to identify and interpret the relationship amongst the materials and the structural systems.
The course does not aim to feed information, but to teach the methodology of understanding, questioning and evaluating material related to construction, structural systems and materials used. This methodology is conveyed through examples in different periods, but mostly related to Anatolia, to enable the implementation in the topics chosen for the synthesis, which is the restoration/conservation design studio.
- Acquisition of knowledge on various structural systems used in historic buildings, as well as the techniques and materials employed in their construction and the correct terminology that is necessary for the conservation architects, pertaining to materials, constructions, and structures
- expertise in using direct and indirect sources of information ranging from first hand information collected on site and from excavations, written sources, models, drawings, carvings, numismatics, as well as native information collected not from the presence but the non-existence of an element or feature.
Skills: Improvement of skills and abilities to establish the relationship amongst the materials, construction and structural systems of specific cultural and architectural contexts (the small research paper, which is part of the course program, is to encourage to employ all the sources used as teaching tools, as well learning to express themselves with the right understanding and terminology).
Attitudes: Development of awareness of cultural heritage and the diversity of methods to be used for this purpose