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Course Objectives

Marxian Economics is a course that makes students introduced to a school in economics. In that sense, it is different from courses that focus on a field within economics, like labor economics, international finance or development. As a school within the economics, Marxian Economics has views, models, theories, in most of the fields within the economics. Contemporary economics education is dominated by two major schools, Neoclassical and Keynesian School. Views of the Marxian School is a school, which is mostly not within the course topics of typical economics courses.

As a course that introduces the students to Marxian Economics, this course covers both the major figure in the school, who is not surprisingly Karl Marx, and the major book within the school, which is not surprisingly the book Capital, but it also goes beyond that. The course also gives some information on early economists who laid the groundwork, used by Marx, to form the core ideas of Marxian School. It will introduce you to some of the major critics of Marxian Economics, as well as some major discussions within the field. It introduces you to some major works and theories that were developed by later Marxian Economists, which spread all the way from the late 19th Century to contemporary ones. And in some chapters, it also introduces the interaction of Marxian School with other schools within economics.

The course aims to make students understand, evaluate, criticize, discuss the Marxian School, its predecessors, and its critiques, and connect the material covered in the course to contemporary issues in economics, and academic discussions and challenges within the economics.