Student, who passed the course satisfactorily will be able to:
- Use Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems effectively
- Comprehend scalar and vector field concepts
- Use gradient, divergence and curl operations
- Evaluate line, surface and volume integrals
- Understand and apply Coulomb’s law
- Apply the differential and integral forms of the governing equations of electrostatics
- Comprehend the behavior of conductors and dielectrics in static electric field
- Compute the electric field due to arbitrary charge distributions using vector calculus
- Comprehend and apply capacitance calculations
- Comprehend and compute the electrostatic energy and forces
- Comprehend and use point forms of Ohm’s law and continuity equation (conservation of charge)
- Comprehend and apply resistance calculations
- Calculate dissipated power
- Understand and apply Biot-Savart’s law
- Apply the differential and integral forms of the governing equations of magnetostatics
- Comprehend the behavior of linear and ferromagnetic materials in static magnetic field
- Compute the magnetic field due to arbitrary current distributions using vector calculus
- Comprehend and apply inductance calculations
- Comprehend and compute the magnetostatic energy and forces
- Comprehend and use of Faraday’s law of induction
- Calculate the induced voltage due to time varying magnetic field and due to motion