1. Ability to explain mechanisms of heat transfer
2. Ability to find heat fluxes using rate equations
3. Ability to perform control volume and surface energy balances
4. Knowlegde of thermal conductivity and finding its values in property tables
5. Ability to apply heat conduction equation to problems
6. Ability to formulate and solve steady and unsteady problems in one or more dimensions in different geometries with or without generation
7. Ability to analyse systems with heat transfer enhancement and to determine fin performance
8. Ability to perform numerical analysis of steady and transient conduction problems
9. Ability to understand basic convection principles and to appreciate the importance of boundary layer analysis
10. Ability to evaluate local and averaged heat transfer coefficients
11. Ability to define dimensionless numbers and to perform dimensional analysis
12. Ability to use boundary layer analogy between fluid friction and heat transfer
13. Solutions of boundary layer equations for laminar external and internal forced convection flows and ability to use the results in heat transfer problems
14. Solutions of boundary layer equations for laminar external free convection flows and ability to use the results in heat transfer problems
15. Ability to choose appropriate empirical correlations for laminar and turbulent forced and free convection problems and to use them in heat transfer problems
16. Familiarity with temperature measuring and other instruments and ability to use them in experiments
17. Ability to present test results in a written report
18. Ability to conduct the practical application of concepts and phenomena studied in the lectures