Student that pass the course satisfactorily will be able to:
Satisfies the following student outcomes (SOs) via the following Performance Indicators:
SO (8) – PI-k1: Use a widely accepted high-level programming language, e.g. Java, C# and C++.
SO (1) – PI-e2: Derive system properties from models.
SO (2) – PI-c1: Design computer-based systems with realistic requirements.
SO (8) – PI-l2: Evaluate the quality attributes (such as reliability, availability, efficiency, usability, safety, and security) of computer-based systems.
SO (8) – PI-k2: Use a widely accepted modeling language, such as UML.
SO (2) – PI-c3: Design and implement algorithms, heuristics and supporting data structures as packaged components.
SO (1) – PI-a7: Analyze the power and limitations of abstract models of computation.